Recipient List Setting

In “Recipient List”, you can edit and save the notification recipients used in Alarm.

The notification recipients to be edited will be displayed in the list.

Recipient List


Displays the ID of the recipient setting. There are 1 to 20 IDs.


EMail:Use email to notify users of an alarm occurrence or recovery.

Webhook:Use webhook to notify users of an alarm occurrence or recovery.

JSON format:{"text":"message"}

Supports Slack and Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook.


You will see the recipient's email address if you choose Email as the notification method.

Email Address

Edit the mail address of recipient. The address must be in the format of a correct email address.

You can set multiple email addresses by separating them with commas (,).

TO: Set the TO recipients of the alarm email.

CC: Set the CC recipients of the alarm email.

BCC: Set the BCC recipients of the alarm email.


Notification group settings


Select a notification method.

Email:Notifications use email.

Webhook:Notifications use webhhok.


Set the address to send by TO.


Set the address to send by CC.


Set the address to send in BCC.


Set the URL of the webhook.


Send a test message in the HTTP POST method to the configured URL.

If the Windows environment variables named HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY exist in the server, use them as proxies to send.

Alarm notification config

You can turn the notification on or off depending on the alarm level.

Enable the schedule for sending email

Enable the schedule function to set the time range in which mail can be sent to the mail groups.

Offset to UTC

Set the time bias in minutes from the UTC time be used in the schedule.

Force sending email if the alarm level is over the specified level

You can choose to send email according to a schedule when if the alarm level is equal to or higher than the specified level.

Schedule for sending email

Weekday of sending email: set the weekday when emails can be sent to the recipients.

Time span: set the time span when emails can be sent to the recipients.

Set and Save


This saves the current editing page. If the editing contents are incorrect, the warning message will appear.

Save and Exit

This saves the current editing page. If the editing contents are incorrect, the warning message will appear.

When saving finishes, the page returns to the previous page from the currently editing one.


Returns to the previous page from the current editing one.

Any unsaved editing will be discarded.

SMTP Server Setting

Click this button to move to the SMTP Server Setting.

Data Reserving Period

Click this button to move to the Data Reserving Period.

Data Reserving Period

Click this button to open the Used Resource Report screen with a new tab.