
Web Page Viewer is used to execute web pages created with Web Page Editor that have been downloaded to the PLC · MICRO/I.

To execute a web page with Web Page Viewer, specify the following URL in the web browser.

http://<IP address>:<port number>/viewer/view.htm?pagepath=<path to page file>&lang=<display language>&layer=<Display layer id>

<IP address>: IP address of the PLC · MICRO/I

<Port number>: Port number of the PLC · MICRO/I that will be accessed

<Path to page file>: /viewer/setting/***.page

<Display language>: Specify the language name to be displayed. Example: English is en. This can be omitted.

<Display layer id>:Specify the layer id to be displayed. This can be omitted. If omitted, the operation is the same as specifying layer=0.


When executing the Web pages downloaded to the SD card of the PLC by Web Page Viewer, please specify the URL also include "SD" like following.

http://<IP address>:<Port number>/SD/viewer...

HMI Viewer is used to execute the system that has been created with HMI Editor.

In the default state, Web Page Viewer will load and execute "/viewer/setting/user/".

http://<IP address>:<port number>/viewer/view.htm?pagepath=<path to page file>&lang=<display language>&layer=<Display layer id>

<IP address>: IP address

<Port number>: Port number that will be accessed

<Path to page file>: /viewer/setting/***.page

<Display language>: Specify the language name to be displayed. Example: English is en. This can be omitted.

<Display layer id>:Specify the layer id to be displayed. This can be omitted. If omitted, the operation is the same as specifying layer=0.

It is also possible to access directly from the URL of the displayed page.