
The recipient of the emails sent from the cloud can be set in the “Email”.

On this screen, the configuration of the saved email recipient can be viewed.

SMTP Server Setting List


Set the host address of the SMTP server.


Set the pot number of the SMTP server.


Set the user account.


Set the password of the account.

FROM Address

Set the email address from that sends the email.


Enable or Disable SMTP-Authentication for sending mails.

Use Encryption SMTP

Enable or Disable Using Encryption SMTP for sending mails.

Encryption Method

Choose the encryption method for sending mails. There are three types of encryption methods: 'none', 'SSL'. 'TSL'.

Send Test Email

Mail Address

Enter the address to send a test mail.


This actually sends test mails.

The result of sending test mail will be displayed in the text box below.

Set and Save


This saves the current editing page. If the editing contents are incorrect, the warning message will appear.

When the warning appears, check the contents. When you are certain that there is no problem, click “OK”. To cancel, click "Cancel" button or X button on the screen.

Save and Exit

This saves the current editing page. If the editing contents are incorrect, the warning message will appear.

When the warning appears, check the contents. When you are certain that there is no problem, click “OK”. To cancel, click "Cancel" button or X button on the screen.

When saving finishes, the page returns to the previous page from the currently editing one.


Returns to the previous page from the current editing one.

Any unsaved editing will be discarded.

Recipient List

Click this button to move to the Recipient List. IDs can be set up to 20 columns.


This identifies the recipient.

Mail Address

Edit the mail address. The address can be set with "alphabet letters and numbers, period (.), hyphen,(-), under bar (_), and including one @ mark". The address should start with an alphabet letter.

Multiple mail addresses can be set by separating them with a comma (,).